Monday, October 12, 2009

My daughter's Wedding

These past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions. I've been stressed because of work deadlines and wedding preparations. But this past Friday, it was all worth it. My daughter was the most beautiful bride and I was a very proud mother. Words can't express the joy I felt watching her say those vows of commitment and listening while Dan's aunt who performed the ceremony talked about how she reminds me so much of my mother. She is and always will be the joy of my life. I wish my Mom could have been there...but she was in spirit, smiling from heaven and rejoicing that Jillian has found her soul mate.

There is no greater joy than to share this day with your daughter and to know that you were a part of making that day special for her. I will never forget the past few days we both shared together and the memories will last forever.


MoonStone said...

Oh what a beautiful picture! A big hug and congratulations to both of you! There are those days we never, ever forget, this is one of them for both of you.

moon :)

texas_fan said...

Thanks was definitely one of those days. It was more than imagined it would ever be.